Doggone vigilant around privacy compliance
Doggone is fully compliant with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 and the Australian Privacy Act 1988 - protecting pets and their owners private information. Doggone reunites lost pets.
Doggone is committed to the protection of your personal privacy and has gone to great lengths to ensure the Doggone service is fully compliant with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 and the Australian Privacy Act 1988.

Doggone’s purpose in collecting personal information from pet owners is to help pet owners (you) find their lost pets; and help Councils with their dog registration and dog control activities.

The only personal information Doggone needs from pet owners is their name, email address, contact mobile number and a postal address. If you want to provide Doggone any other personal information – that is over to you.

At no time does Doggone collect personal information about the person finding the pet or their whereabouts.