Doggone is an IT reuniting solution designed to help with the quick and painless reuniting of a lost dog with its owner. In a nutshell, it involves a Smart Bluetooth registration tag, an App and an SMS service, which are both free. Tracy Austin, founding director of Doggone, explains:
The Hutt City Council first offered Doggone to its dog owners as part of the dog registration process in 2019/20, and again for this 2020/21 registration year; and other councils are currently engaging in conversation around potential trials.
Doggone has also just been granted a registered patent for its ‘Report a Wandering Dog’ feature in the App. The benefits to members of the public, dog owners and council are significant in terms of safety and response times.
Everyone has at least once in their lifetime seen a wandering dog and wondered how best to find its owner but aborted the thought almost immediately because it was in the too hard basket.
Thanks to the smarts of our Christchurch tech company, Doggone, help is now as straightforward as one tap of a button. Every day lost dogs are reunited with their owners through Doggone’s Smart Bluetooth registration tag and App, and Doggone’s free text service. And now every day, any member of the public can assist with reuniting a wandering dog with its owner – all they need is the Doggone app, and that’s free.