Relax knowing your pet is only ever a text away
It might possibly be the best insurance policy you’ll ever have against your pet sleeping ruff!
Doggone might possibly be the best insurance policy you’ll ever have against your pet sleeping ruff!

Doggone is delighted to announce that our 4133 text reunite service is now available to all pet owners throughout New Zealand – no matter what your post code! And all for less than 50 cents a week! You can subscribe today and Doggone will send you your customisable Text Tag for your furry friend.

The tag has a unique number that links to your nominated emergency contact phone number. If your pet does a runner then anyone who finds it just needs to text its tag number to 4133 and they’ll immediately receive your contact number by return text, so they can let you know your pet has been found safe and sound. There is absolutely no charge to text Doggone’s 4133 reunite service. For those who might need additional assistance, Doggone’s 0800 number is also on every tag.

Unlike other ID tags, contact details need never be out of date! Changes to your details can be made at any time, quickly and securely within the Doggone app. All updates are live immediately so you can remain confident in the knowledge that if your buddy does do a runner, the right person will be contactable when it’s found.

What’s more you can include useful information about your pet that you would like shared with the person that finds it.

The App can also send you reminders about vaccinations, worming, other health checks, your pet’s birthday and upcoming registration. Think of it as your pet’s personal assistant!

Doggone’s reunite service comes with the 100% guarantee that if someone finds your pet and texts its tag number to 4133, your preferred contact number will be texted straight back. And if Doggone doesn’t deliver on that promise, we will pay the impoundment fee if your dog is impounded as a result.